How can I prepare for my Botox appointment?

How can I prepare for my Botox appointment?

Your ready for your Botox appointment, but aren’t sure what to expect? We have the expert advice you’re looking for to ensure you’re 100% prepared the first time you walk through our doors!
Botox has become a very popular procedure in the last decade because of its success in reducing facial wrinkles. Botox was still one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in 2019 namely because the results are excellent, the downtime minimal, and with a few pre injection tips the side effects are nearly non existent. The most common side effect with Botox is bruising. Although bruises are temporary, having one on your face can cause you to feel self conscience. So, here are some suggestions to help your experience be the best it can.

Hold off on the Booze
Bruising comes from what you eat, drink or take on a daily basis! Beer, Wine and alcohol are all metabolized by the liver.  Your liver is responsible for creating clotting factors.  So if your liver is too busy breaking down alcohol, your blood won’t clot as well which means…bruising.  Another reason alcohol leads to bruising is because it dilates your blood vessels– If your blood vessels are dilated, you have a higher chance of bruising.   If your concerned about bruising, we recommend no alcohol for at least three days before injections.

Hold off on over the counter pain medications and vitamins
Some over the counter non-prescription pain medications and certain vitamins can cause your blood to be thinner. Vitamins and antioxidants, though not all of them, can increase the fragility of blood vessels and prolong clotting which creates thinner blood in our bodies. Antioxidants are wonderful for our overall health but not so good when we are injecting needles into your face, it means a higher risk for bruising. If you are currently taking a blood thinning medication prescribed by a doctor, do not stop taking these medications, just deal with the risk of a small bruise and always check with your doctor first. Bruises are temporary and only last for approximately 7-10 days, Botox will last for approximately 3 months.
These are some of the most common NON- prescription blood thinning medications that we see. However, this is not an all inclusive list. If you have questions about medications you are taking and the risk they might have on bruising, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
Aspirin (even small doses such as 81mg)
Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin)
Naproxen (Aleve)
Celecoxib (Celebrex)
Fish/krill oil/Omega 3’s
Vitamin E
St. John’s Wart
PS: Tylenol (acetaminophen) is not a blood thinner

Keep your skin clean
Avoid wearing makeup right after your treatment. Sometimes there are small red bumps from the injections after your treatment that you’ll be tempted to cover, but this generally settles in less than 30 minutes. It’s best to keep your skin clear of heavy makeup and makeup brushes for at least a few hours after your treatment to help avoid any infections. Avoid touching your face after treatment as your hands could carry bacteria to the injection sites creating a higher risk of infections.

Know When Botox is a Definite DON’T!
Although Botox is a safe procedure for most people, please know that Botox is not right for everyone and there are some conditions where treatment with Botox needs to be postponed. If any of the following apply, Botox is a NO for you at this time. Always discuss with your Provider any of these conditions.

You have a blemish or breakout at the injection site
You have known problems with breathing, swallowing, or bleeding
You have muscle or nerve disorder
You are pregnant or breast-feeding
You have had surgery recently or will have surgery soon
You have a active viral or bacterial infection
You are currently taking antibiotics
You have received vaccinations recently, including the flu sho

Have Patience and Stay regular
Every day you will begin to feel and notice a little something changing. It can start as early as day 3 but can take up to 14 days to fully kick in. At day 14, what you see is what you get. If at that time, your expectations are not fully met, we can touch it up. We can possibly adjust dosage and add more Botox is needed. what we can not do is remove it if you have received to much. Therefore we like to begin slowly and add to if need be.

The best use of Botox is to not let it fully wear off. By doing this you are never allowing the treated muscle to return back to full movement and contraction. When you begin seeing muscle movement returning, this is when you should seek treatment again. For most people this is approximately every 90-120 days.